Hearing Your Message

path through field

I spent weeks being in the stillness and quietness of my own energy.  I listened, but for a while, heard nothing. Was there a guiding voice, I believed there was, but self-doubt crept in and I convinced myself what I heard was only what I wanted to hear.  

Quietly I allowed my mind to clear, I allowed my thoughts to clear.  In the silence we often receive the loudest messages.

If the “voice” does not soften, trust that it is guidance.   If you feel “called” to do something, and that something brings you great joy, then do it!  Do not allow your self-doubt to be louder than your soul or your Source, speaking to you!

Be silent, pray, listen for your message and then honor your soul, honor your inner child, honor your God given gift and breathe life into that dream.

As Michael Berg reminds us, “Anything that cannot be awakened, cannot be transformed”.

What dream will you allow to be awoken and transformed? Take that first step! 

2 thoughts on “Hearing Your Message

  1. laurie303 February 2, 2017 / 3:01 pm

    As i often say, the inner voice is real. The inner teacher is real. Trust is key. Love your message!


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